“…Thus on a small scale, the free radical-induced liberation of iron from an iron-binding protein may reflect an evolved signaling pathway; on a larger scale, however, it may result in the wholesale destruction of the organism. Iron compounds have been reported to be mutagenic in mammalian culture cells, as detected by Syrian hamster embryo cell transformation/ viral enhancement assay (Heidelberger et al, 1983), base tautomerization in rat hepatocyte cultures (Abalea et al, 1999) and genetic alterations in the mouse lymphoma tetraacetic acid (EDTA), disodium (054448), Triton-X-100 (2020130), Tris base (2044122), and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane sulfonic acid (HEPES, 75277) were purchased from SRL, India. Sodium chloride , sodium hydroxide (Merck-1310-73-2), sodium bicarbonate , and low melting point (LMP) agarose (Bangalore Genei FC37) were purchased from Merck, Germany and Bangalore Genei, India.…”