Blanched, unheated and fermented cucumber mesocarp tissues stored at pH 3.5 had losses in galacturonic acid, galactose, arabinose, and rhamnose from cell walls isolated by sequential extraction with aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and phenokacetic acid:water (2:l:l; SDS/PAW). Much smaller amounts of the sugars were solubilized when the cell walls were isolated by extract& with 80% ethanol. The differential solubilization of sugars suggested that a limited degradation of pectic and hemicellulosic substances occurred during cucumber tissue softening. This degradation was readily observed when softened tissue was extracted by SDS/PAW, but not when isolated by the more common ethanol extraction. Similarity in pattern of sugar losses, following low pH storage after three processing treatments, suggested that reactions which resulted in tissue softening and solubilization of cell wall sugars were similar in the three treatments.