DOI: 10.1007/s00018-022-04612-8
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Cellular interactions in the pituitary stem cell niche

Abstract: Stem cells in the anterior pituitary gland can give rise to all resident endocrine cells and are integral components for the appropriate development and subsequent maintenance of the organ. Located in discreet niches within the gland, stem cells are involved in bi-directional signalling with their surrounding neighbours, interactions which underpin pituitary gland homeostasis and response to organ challenge or physiological demand. In this review we highlight core signalling pathways that steer pituitary proge… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 140 publications
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“…Over the past decade, evidence for the existence of adult pituitary stem cells (PSC) has been provided using in vitro clonogenic assays, flow cytometry side-population analyses, immunohistochemical analyses, and genetic methods. These cells can self-regenerate, and undergo pluripotent differentiation to produce all the hormone lineages in the anterior pituitary ( Carreno et al, 2017 ; Cox et al, 2017 ; Haston et al, 2018 ; Tordjman et al, 2019 ; Laporte et al, 2020 ; Würth et al, 2020 ; Willis et al, 2022 ; Winningham and Camper, 2023 ). PSC is thought to be present in the intermediate lobe (IL) and the dorsal anterior lobe (AL), in the marginal zone (MZ), and is dispersed throughout the AL parenchyma ( Garcia-Lavandeira et al, 2012 ; Haston et al, 2018 ).…”
Section: Potential Mechanismsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Over the past decade, evidence for the existence of adult pituitary stem cells (PSC) has been provided using in vitro clonogenic assays, flow cytometry side-population analyses, immunohistochemical analyses, and genetic methods. These cells can self-regenerate, and undergo pluripotent differentiation to produce all the hormone lineages in the anterior pituitary ( Carreno et al, 2017 ; Cox et al, 2017 ; Haston et al, 2018 ; Tordjman et al, 2019 ; Laporte et al, 2020 ; Würth et al, 2020 ; Willis et al, 2022 ; Winningham and Camper, 2023 ). PSC is thought to be present in the intermediate lobe (IL) and the dorsal anterior lobe (AL), in the marginal zone (MZ), and is dispersed throughout the AL parenchyma ( Garcia-Lavandeira et al, 2012 ; Haston et al, 2018 ).…”
Section: Potential Mechanismsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It is possible that stem cells in the adult pituitary do not (need to) maintain this capacity, given the very low turnover of the adult gland ( 73 ). A more pronounced role in auto-/paracrine signaling (e.g., toward hormonal progenitor/precursor or mature cells) than in differentiating to generate new endocrine cells may explain why adult stem cell organoids do not show pronounced differentiation capacity ( 9 11 , 60 , 74 ). However, alternative explanations including the lack of fully optimal conditions for organoid (stem cell) differentiation cannot be dismissed yet.…”
Section: Main: Pituitary Organoid Modelsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, evidence suggests that they may play a role in pituitary cell remodeling during conditions of altered hormonal needs (such as lactation and stress; reviewed in ( 8 )). Their contribution appears to be situated in amplified differentiation toward the wanted endocrine cells and/or in auto- and paracrine signaling (e.g., via wingless-type MMTV integration site (WNT) ligands) activating proliferation of the stem cells themselves and/or surrounding endocrine (progenitor) cells ( 8 11 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The anterior pituitary is specified during embryonic development from the oral epithelium (OE), induced by signals from surrounding tissues, primarily Fgf8/10 and Bmp4 from the overlying ventral diencephalon (VD) and Shh from both the anterior hypothalamus (AH) and pharyngeal endoderm (PE) (for review see (Willis et al, 2022 )). These signals promote invagination of the oral epithelium at around 9.0 dpc forming Rathke's pouch (RP), the anterior pituitary primordium; promote its proliferation and acquisition of anterior pituitary fate by induction of transcription factors LHX3 and LHX4.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The anterior pituitary is specified during embryonic development from the oral epithelium (OE), induced by signals from surrounding tissues, primarily Fgf8/10 and Bmp4 from the overlying ventral diencephalon (VD) and Shh from both the anterior hypothalamus (AH) and pharyngeal endoderm (PE) (for review see (Willis et al, 2022)).…”
confidence: 99%