We recently showed that maize (Zea mays L.) leaves contain appreciable amounts of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK; R.P. Walker, R.M. Acheson, L.I. TĂ©csi, R.C. Leegood [1997] Aust J Plant Physiol 24: 459-468). In the present study, we investigated the role of PEPCK in C 4 photosynthesis in maize. PEPCK activity and protein were enriched in extracts from bundle-sheath (BS) strands compared with whole-leaf extracts. Decarboxylation of [4-14 C]aspartate (Asp) by BS strands was dependent on the presence of 2-oxoglutarate and Mn 2Ű , was stimulated by ATP, was inhibited by the PEPCK-specific inhibitor 3-mercaptopicolinic acid, and was independent of illumination. The principal product of Asp metabolism was phosphoenolpyruvate, whereas pyruvate was a minor product. Decarboxylation of [4-14 C]malate was stimulated severalfold by Asp and 3-phosphoglycerate, was only slightly reduced in the absence of Mn 2Ű or in the presence of 3-mercaptopicolinic acid, and was light dependent. Our data show that decarboxylation of Asp and malate in BS cells of maize occurs via two different pathways: Whereas malate is mainly decarboxylated by NADPmalic enzyme, decarboxylation of Asp is dependent on the activity of PEPCK. C 4 plants have been classified as NADP-ME, NAD-ME, and PEPCK types, according to the major decarboxylase involved in the decarboxylation of C 4 acids in the BS cells Hatch et al., 1975). Maize (Zea mays) belongs to the NADP-ME subgroup of C 4 plants and possesses negligible activity of PEPCK, although suggested that some other NADP-ME species utilize PEPCK as an auxiliary decarboxylase. However, we showed previously that maize leaves contain large amounts of PEPCK (Walker et al., 1997), andFurumoto et al. (1999) identified a PEPCK gene from maize that is specifically expressed in BS cells. Other NADP-ME species such as Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crus-galli, Digitaria sanguinalis, and Paspalum notatum also contain PEPCK, whereas PEPCK protein was not detectable in Sorghum bicolor, Saccharum officinarum, or Flaveria bidentis (Walker et al., 1997). The reason that the occurrence of PEPCK in these plants has been overlooked may be due to difficulties in measuring PEPCK activity (Walker et al., 1997) or to the lack of an antibody.PEPCK-type C 4 species mainly use Asp as the CO 2 donor and decarboxylate the oxaloacetate formed via the following reaction:In NADP-ME species such as maize, 14 CO 2 is initially incorporated into the C-4 position of malate and Asp (about 75% and 25%, respectively), and the C-4 of both is subsequently incorporated into other metabolites (Hatch, 1971; Morot-Gaudry and Farineau, 1978). Using isolated BS strands, Chapman and Hatch (1981) showed that BS cells of maize have a significant capacity to decarboxylate Asp, and they assumed that NADP-ME was responsible. In view of the occurrence of PEPCK in maize, the involvement of PEPCK in the decarboxylation of Asp appears more likely, because PEPCK can directly catalyze the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate formed from Asp without previous...