Abstract. Diabetes is a chronic and incurable disease, which results from absolute or relative insulin insufficiency. Therefore, pancreatic beta cells, which are the only type of cell that expresses insulin, is considered to be a potential target for the cure of diabetes. Although the findings regarding beta-cell neogenesis during pancreas development have been exploited to induce insulin-producing cells from non-beta cells, there are still many hurdles towards generating fully functional beta cells that can produce high levels of insulin and respond to physiological signals. To overcome these problems, a solid understanding of pancreas development and beta-cell formation is required, and several mouse models have been developed to reveal the unique features of each endocrine cell type at distinct developmental time points. Here I review our understanding of pancreas development and endocrine differentiation focusing on recent progresses in improving temporal cell labeling in vivo.
Key words: Endocrine progenitor, Beta cell neogenesis, Endocrine differentiation
Understanding Endocrine Differentiation towards Developing a Cure for DiabetesDiabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder, which can lead to serious complications, such as blindness, kidney failure, amputation, cardiac problems, stroke, etc. A hallmark sign of diabetes is the sustained elevation of blood glucose levels, which results from absolute or relative deficiency of insulin-secreting beta cells within the pancreatic islets. There are several strategies proposed to maintain or expand beta-cell mass (Fig. 1), such as inducing cellular reprogramming into beta cells from somatic cells as well as embryonic stem cells, and stimulating the self-renewal of preexisting beta cells [1]. Because many pancreas-specific genes that play important roles in pancreas development are expressed during the process of cellular reprogramming towards a beta-cell phenotype, clarifying the molecular mechanisms of pancreas development and transcriptional networks should give us clues towards generating insulin-secreting beta cells, which can be used to cure diabetes. For example, it has been demonstrated that three transcription factors, namely, Pdx1, Neurog3, and Mafa, which play key roles in pancreas development and differentiation (Fig. 2), efficiently promoted the cellular reprogramming of nonbeta cells into insulin-producing cells [2−6].
Brief Overview of Endocrine DifferentiationThe mature pancreas is composed of exocrine (acinar and duct cells) and endocrine (α-, β-, δ-, ε-, and PP-cells) compartments, which express glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, ghrelin, and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively. The differentiation of these distinct endocrine cell types is coordinately controlled by multiple transcription factors and regulators (Fig. 2) [1,7,8]. Among these transcription factors, a key regulator of endocrine specification is Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3, also known as Atoh5), a member of the basic helixloop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor family. During pancreas d...