We prove that for Anosov maps of the 3-torus if the Lyapunov exponents of absolutely continuous measures in every direction are equal to the geometric growth of the invariant foliations then f is C 1 conjugated to its linear part.Then h * m = λ E A so applying Proposition 2.3, the measure h * m is absolutely continuous in the E A direction with ∆ A (y, t) = 1 (because the Jacobian is constant for the linear map).We need to prove that, restricted to W, h preserves the density ρ, and for every t ∈ W(y),is C r−1 with r > 1, for r = 1 we need f to be at least C 1+α , for some α > 0.The proofs of the next lemmas can be found in [3], for completeness we redo the proofs here.