The experiment was done based on a new layout for a semi-permanent set-move sprinkler irrigation system with a lower capital and annual cost requirement. In this work, a center-pivot system layout was applied to set up a semi-permanent system with a hand-move lateral. The clock hand lateral (CHL) sprinkler irrigation system was implemented using a shorter mainline length with a smaller diameter, lesser number of lateral pipes, minimum number of fittings and a single valve outlet. This combination offers an affordable irrigation system with minimizing the required components. The new irrigation system design was examined at the Agricultural Academy of Science experiment farm at Guangxi, China. The sprinkler system mainline pipe directly extended from the water resource to the center of the plot to feed a single lateral, connected through a pivot elbow. The lateral was rotating around the plot manually, the same way as clock hands do. An ordinary set-move split lateral for the same plot was designed for comparison and control. Based on results, a 37.5% capital cost reduction with an 11.2% annual cost decrement was obtained for CHL compared to the set-move semi-permanent. Water application depth was measured via distribution uniformity coefficient (DU) examination, using a catch can method. The low quarter DU for CHL was counted for 86%.