The response of the blood system to injection of neutrophilokin, a secretory product of latex-stimulated neutrophils, is studied. Neutrophilokin is shown to induce neutrophilic leukocytosis, eosinopenia, and lymphocytopenia and to reduce the cell count in the spleen. The ability of neutrophilokin to increase spontaneous oxidation of lipids is noted in the rat brain.
Key Words: neutrophilokin; stress; lipid peroxidationLatex-stimulated neutrophils have been found to secrete a group of new transmitters of the immune response, which have been termed neutrophilokins (NK). These compounds raise the number of antibody-producing cells in the spleen, stimulate the host-graft reaction, and increase the functional activity of phagocytes [5][6][7]. On the other hand, immunization with sheep erythrocytes has been demonstrated to trigger in the blood system and immunocompetent organs a reaction which is similar to the effects of the general adaptive syndrome resulting from hypodynamia and hyperthermia [10]. In addition, immunization and immobilization stress cause unidirectional shifts in the content of biogenic monoamines in brain structures and the adrenals [11]. It should also be mentioned that immunogenesis is thought by some to be a particular case of adaptogenesis [2]. In addition to their immunostimulating effect, NK also elicit systemic biological effects (psychotropic and actoprotective effects and stimulation of wound repair) [8,9].In the present study we investigated the role of NK in the induction of the general adaptive syndrome.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe study was caried out on 48 nonpedigree rats weighing 160-200 g. The animals were divided into three groups. The control group (lst) received physiological saline subcutaneously and the 2nd group was given NK in a dose of 7x10 -7 rag/rat, subcutaneously. NK is a substance of peptide nature, which is isolated from the supernatant of stimulated neutrophils, as was described previously [6]. The rats of the 3rd group were injected subcutaneously with physiological saline, after which they were immobilized in the supine position by fixing the four extremities for 60 rain. Two hours after the start of the procedure, blood was taken from the retroorbital sinus under ether anesthesia, and the animal was killed by transcervical dislocation. The leukocyte count in the blood and the karyocyte count in the spleen were determined routinely [4]. One day before the experiment the animals were deprived of food; water was available ad libitum. The effect of NK on lipid peroxidation (LPO) was assessed as the degree of spontaneous LPO of the rat brain homogenate in the presence of 0.9% NaC1 (control) and NK in different concentrations (experiment). LPO was assessed as the accumulation of 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive substances [3]. The data obtained were statistically processed using Student's t test and nonparametric methods.