Abstract. We characterise regular Goursat categories through a specific stability property of regular epimorphisms with respect to pullbacks. Under the assumption of the existence of some pushouts this property can be also expressed as a restricted Beck-Chevalley condition, with respect to the fibration of points, for a special class of commutative squares. In the case of varieties of universal algebras these results give, in particular, a structural explanation of the existence of the ternary operations characterising 3-permutable varieties of universal algebras.A variety of universal algebras is called a Mal'tsev variety [25] when any pair of congruences R and S on the same algebra 2-permute, meaning that RS = SR. The celebrated Mal'tsev theorem asserts that the algebraic theory of such a variety is characterised by the existence of a ternary term p(x, y, z) such that the identities p(x, y, y) = x and p(x, x, y) = y hold [22]. The weaker 3-permutability of congruences RSR = SRS, which defines 3-permutable varieties, is also equivalent to the existence of two ternary operations r and s such that the identities r(x, y, y) = x, r(x, x, y) = s(x, y, y) and s(x, x, y) = y hold [17]. A nice feature of 3-permutable varieties is the fact that they are congruence modular, a condition that plays a crucial role in the development of commutator theory [12,16].Many interesting results have been discovered in regular Mal'tsev categories [11] and in regular Goursat categories [10], which can be seen as the categorical extensions of Mal'tsev varieties and of 3-permutable varieties, respectively. The interested reader will find many properties