“…The transverse momentum, p T , distributions of identified hadrons contain valuable information about the collective expansion of the system (p T 2 GeV/c), the presence of new hadronization mechanisms like quark recombination (2 p T 8 GeV/c) [1] and, at larger transverse momenta, the possible modification of the fragmentation due to the medium [2,3]. ALICE has reported the transverse momentum spectra, as a function of the collision centrality, of charged pions, kaons and (anti)protons from low (hundreds of MeV/c) [4] to high (20 GeV/c) [5] p T . From the analysis of the low p T results in the most central collisions, the radial flow, β T , is found to be ≈ 10% higher than at RHIC, while the kinetic freeze-out temperature was found to be comparable to that extracted from data at RHIC, T kin = 95 MeV [4].…”