This paper presents a methodology to study the flow of funds in large value payment systems (LVPSs). The presented algorithm separates the flow of payments in two categories: (1) external funds, i.e. funds transferred from other financial market infrastructures (FMIs) or provided by the central bank and (2) the reuse of incoming payments. Our method further studies the flow of intraday liquidity under the framework of its provision within the Mexican FMIs. The aim is to evaluate the impact of the intraday liquidity provision, and understand how liquidity is transmitted to participants in the Mexican LVPS SPEI R .
IntroductionThe worldwide economic crisis has revealed that liquidity problems of (large) banks can occur suddenly, and with serious consequences for the (global) financial stability. The Lehman Brothers' collapse in 2008 is the most recent and widely referred to example. The interest, by both academics and financial authorities (such as central banks), in intraday liquidity management has gained momentum since then. Studying intraday liquidity flows, gives valuable insight into: (1) the provision of liquidity and the level of efficient use, (2) potential liquidity risks in settling payment obligations, and (3) the degree of interdependencies between financial B. Alexandrova-Kabadjova ( ) • L. Garcia-Ochoa Banco de México,