Plant roots are known to provide mechanical reinforcement to soils upon shearing and seismic loading. However, the effects of different stress paths on root reinforce-ment are unclear. Moreover, whether, and how, roots provide resistance to soil lique-faction upon cyclic loading have rarely been studied. The objective of this study is to conduct a series of undrained triaxial tests to investigate the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of rooted sand. Roots of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L), which has been advocated for use in shallow slope stabilisation purposes, were used for testing. The root diameters ranged between 0.3 to 1.5 mm, while the root volume ra-tios were 0.23%, 0.45% and 0.67%. It was discovered that the root reinforcement ef-fect was anisotropic and path-dependent. Along the extension path when the major principal stress was perpendicular to the predominant root orientation, the root-induced increase in soil friction angle was approximately 10o. This increase was much greater than the case along the compression path where the change was min-imal. The presence of roots prevented the limited flow failure (which occurred in the unreinforced sand), and the failure mode of root-reinforced soil switched to cyclic mobility. The liquefaction resistance was improved with an increase in root volume, and this improvement was more remarkable at higher cyclic stress ratios.