6High density linkage maps are an important tool to gain insight into the genetic architecture of 7 traits of evolutionary and economic interest, and provide a resource to characterise variation 8 in recombination landscapes. Here, we used information from the cattle genome and the 50K 9Cervine Illumina BeadChip to inform and refine a high density linkage map in a wild population 10 of red deer (Cervus elaphus). We constructed a predicted linkage map of 38,038 SNPs and a 11 skeleton map of 10,835 SNPs across 34 linkage groups. We identified several chromosomal 12 rearrangements in the deer lineage relative to sheep and cattle, including six chromosome fis-13 sions, one fusion and two large inversions. Otherwise, our findings showed strong concordance 14 with map orders in the cattle genome. The sex-averaged linkage map length was 2739.7cM 15 and the genome-wide autosomal recombination rate was 1.04cM per Mb. The female autoso-16 mal map length was 1.21 longer than that of males (2767.4cM vs 2280.8cM, respectively). Sex 17 differences in map length were driven by high female recombination rates in peri-centromeric 18 regions, a pattern that is unusual relative to other mammal species. This effect was more 19 pronounced in fission chromosomes that would have had to produce new centromeres. We 20 propose two hypotheses to explain this effect: (1) that this mechanism may have evolved to 21 counteract centromeric drive associated with meiotic asymmetry in oocyte production; and/or 22 (2) that sequence and structural characteristics suppressing recombination in close proximity 23 to the centromere may not have yet evolved at neo-centromeres. Our study provides insight 24 into how recombination landscapes vary and evolve in mammals, and will provide a valuable 25 1 . CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. It is made available under a The copyright holder for this preprint (which was . http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/100131 doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 13, 2017; resource for studies of evolution, genetic improvement and population management in red deer 26 and related species. 27
Article Summary 28We present a high density linkage map (>38,000 markers) in a wild population of Red deer 29 (Cervus elaphus). Our investigation of the recombination landscape showed a marked differ-30 ence in recombination rates between the sexes in proximity to the centromere, with females 31showing an unusually elevated rate relative to other mammal species. This effect is most pro-32 nounced in chromosomes that would have produced a new centromere in the deer lineage. We 33propose that the observed effects have evolved to counteract selfish genetic elements associ-34 ated with asymmetrical female meiosis. 35