Maize (Zea mays L.)-legume intercropping is common cropping system among smallholder farmers in West Africa. However, little is known about the income risk reduction associated with maize-legume strip cropping in West Africa. A 3-yr study was conducted in Upper West and Northern regions of Ghana to determine the effect of maize-legume strip cropping on productivity, income, and income risk using a randomized complete block design with five replications in each region. Seven treatments were used: sole crops of maize (M) cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] (C) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (G), a combination of two rows of M and two rows of legumes (L) (2M:2C and 2M:2G), and two rows of M and four rows of L (2M:4C and 2M:4G). Maize-legume strip cropping options (2M:2L and 2M:4L) on the average saved 90-100% of agricultural land, significantly increased income by about threefold, and reduced risk of operating at a financial loss by 75% compared with sole cropping. Smallholder farmers, especially sole legume cropping farmers in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana and similar agro-ecologies in West Africa, could adopt maize-legume strip cropping systems (2M:4L or 2M:2L) to mitigate production risk and increase financial return. How to cite this article: Abdul Rahman N, Larbi A, Kotu B, et al. Maize-legume strip cropping effect on productivity, income and income risk of farmers in Northern Ghana.