“…Adult ORNs, like many insect tissues, are tightly associated with the hardened exoskeleton and are difficult to isolate using standard cell dissociation protocols. Nuclei, on the other hand, are much more resistant to mechanical assaults and have been readily profiled using snRNA-seq in multiple systems (Grindberg et al, 2013;Habib et al, 2016Habib et al, , 2017Cui et al, 2020;Kebschull et al, 2020;Lau et al, 2020). snRNA-seq has many advantages including: 1) tissue can be kept in long-term storage at -80ºC prior to extraction (Wu et al, 2019;Ding et al, 2020); 2) snRNAseq reduces cell-type sampling bias (Denisenko et al, 2020); and 3) nuclei are more easily captured by microfluidics devices than large and/or fragile cells (Cui et al, 2020;Denisenko et al, 2020).…”