Numerous investigations have been carried out over many decades to gain a better understanding of the adaptations that occur during the process of acclimatization to the hypoxia of altitude. These studies have included descriptions of the changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) during acclimatization, which are of some importance because of the potential role that changes in CBF may have in the aetiology of diseases such as acute mountain sickness and high altitude cerebral oedema.On exposure to the hypoxia of high altitude (altitude, 3810-4300 m; arterial PJ (P a,J ), ~43-45 Torr), there is an initial increase in CBF, which then slowly declines towards pre-hypoxic levels (Severinghaus et al. 1966;Huang et al. 1987). However, understanding the origin of these changes is complicated by the fact that the cerebral circulation is exposed to the competing influences of arterial hypoxia, which tends to cause vasodilatation, and arterial hypocapnia, which tends to cause vasoconstriction. Furthermore, these stimuli are not constant over time, because ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia progressively increases the degree of hypocapnia and reduces the degree of hypoxia. In a set of experimental studies in sheep, Krasney and colleagues (Krasney et al. 1984(Krasney et al. , 1985(Krasney et al. , 1986) have attempted to separate the effects of hypoxia from those of hypocapnia by studying isocapnic hypoxia (where they added CO 2 to the inspired gas of the animal during hypoxia in order to prevent the arterial hypocapnia that normally results from the increase in pulmonary ventilation). They concluded that the adaptation of CBF back towards pre-hypoxic levels in poikilocapnic hypoxia was not a primary adaptation of the response of CBF to hypoxia, but was due to other factors, including the associated hypocapnia (Krasney et al. 1990).The broad aim of the present study was to undertake an investigation in human volunteers that was related to the work of Krasney and colleagues in sheep. In particular, we wished to study a sustained (48 h) period of constant hypoxia (regulated in the face of changing pulmonary During acclimatization to the hypoxia of altitude, the cerebral circulation is exposed to arterial hypoxia and hypocapnia, two stimuli with opposing influences on cerebral blood flow (CBF). In order to understand the resultant changes in CBF, this study examined the responses of CBF during a period of constant mild hypoxia both with and without concomitant regulation of arterial P CO 2 . Nine subjects were each exposed to two protocols in a purpose-built chamber: (1) 48 h of isocapnic hypoxia (Protocol I), where end-tidal PJ (P ET, J) was held at 60 Torr and end-tidal P CO 2 (P ET,CO 2 ) at the subject's resting value prior to experimentation; and (2) 48 h of poikilocapnic hypoxia (Protocol P), where P ET, J was held at 60 Torr and P ET,CO 2 was uncontrolled. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound was used to assess CBF. At 24 h intervals during and after the hypoxic exposure CBF was measured and the sensitivity of CBF to acute var...