-The goal of this study was to assess the relation between gender, age, motor type, topography and gross motor function, based on the Gross Motor Function System of children with cerebral palsy. Trunk control, postural changes and gait of one hundred children between 5 months and 12 years old, were evaluated. There were no significant differences between gender and age groups (p=0.887) or between gender and motor type (p=0.731). In relation to body topography most children (88%) were spastic quadriplegic. Most hemiplegics children were rated in motor level I, children with diplegia were rated in motor level III, and quadriplegic children were rated in motor level V. Functional classification is necessary to understand the differences in cerebral palsy and to have the best therapeutic planning since it is a complex disease which depends on several factors.Key wordS: cerebral palsy, disabled children, motor skills, classification system, gross motor function.Classificação da paralisia cerebral: associação entre gênero, idade, tipo motor, topografia e função Motora Grossa resumo -este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre gênero, idade, tipo motor, topografia e Função Motora Grossa, baseado no Sistema de Função Motora Grossa em crianças com paralisia cerebral. Participaram desta pesquisa 100 crianças com idade entre 5 meses a 12 anos que foram observadas em relação ao controle de tronco, trocas posturais e marcha. Não houve diferenças significativas entre gêneros e grupos etários (p=0,887) e entre gênero e tipo motor (p=0,731). em relação à topografia corporal, houve predomínio de crianças com quadriplegia, sendo que a maioria (88%) era do tipo espástico. Quanto ao nível motor, as crianças hemiplégicas pertenciam em sua maioria ao nível I, as diplégicas ao nível III e as quadriplégicas ao nível V. Sendo a paralisia cerebral uma condição complexa que depende de diversos fatores, beneficia-se de classificações funcionais para compreensão da diversidade e melhor planejamento terapêutico. PAlAVrAS-chAVe: paralisia cerebral, criança deficiente, sistema de classificação, habilidade motora, função motora grossa. cerebral palsy (cP) is described as a range of disorders of motor and postural development which causes functional limitations attributed to non-progressive disorders that occur in fetal development or child' s brain 1 . It has traditionally been described based on the kind of damage (spasticity, dyskinesia and ataxia) and its location, or topography (hemiplegia, diplegia and tetraplegia) 2 . Until recently there were not standardized methods to classify cerebral palsy in relation to subtypes and severity of motor impairments 3-5 . The Gross Motor Function System (GMFcS) 6 was developed to classify functional mobility in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy by levels of functional mobility and consists of five levels ranging from I, which includes children with minimal or no dysfunction relative to community mobility to V, which includes children who are totally dependent and need help to mo...