Atandem experimental and theoretical investigation of amesoporousc eria catalyst reveals the properties of the metal oxide are conducive for activity typicallya scribed to metals, suggesting reducedC e 3 + and oxygen vacanciesa re responsible for the inherent bi-functionality of CO oxidation and dissociation of water required for facilitating the production of H 2 .T he degree of reduction of the ceria, specifically the (1 00)f ace, is found to significantly influence the binding of reagents,s uggesting reduced surfaces harbor the necessaryr eactive sites. The metal-free catalysis of the reaction is significantfor catalyst design considerations, and the suite of in situ analysesp rovides ac omprehensive study of the dynamic nature of the high surface areacatalystsystem.Thisstudy postulates feasible improvements in catalytic activity may redirect the purpose of the water-gas shiftreaction from CO purificationt oprimary hydrogen production. Figure 4. Calculated energy diagrams and structures for aWGS mechanism takingp lace in the presence of an adsorbed carbonate on the (1 00)s urface. The degree of reduction of the ceria surface influences the binding energies of the reactants,e specially for redox steps involving electron transfer between adsorbates andthe ceria surface. This indicatest hat morereducedceria surfaces bind Hr eagents more weakly,allowing for more facile formation of H 2 .Red, beige, grey,and white atomscorrespond to outermostO ,Ce, C, and H, respectively. Dark red and dark beige correspond to subsurface Oa nd subsurface Ce, respectively.The unit cell and the positiono fthe pre-adsorbed Ha tom are indicated in panel (a) by dashed lines and ab lue x,r espectively.