We examine signals at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of Kaluza-Klein modes, in volumetruncated "Little Randall-Sundrum" (LRS) models of flavor, characterized by 5D cutoff scales M5 that are small compared to the 4D Planck mass MP ∼ 10 19 GeV. In particular, for the phenomenologically viable choice M5 ∼ 10 4 TeV, the discovery of a 2 (3)-TeV "Little" Z ′ at the LHC requires about 1 (4) fb −1 at √ s = 10 (14) TeV, in the clean di-lepton channel. Our results highlight the possibility of probing interesting values of M5, starting with the early LHC data. With M5 ∼ 10 4 TeV, discovering the second KK mode Z ′′ , at about 4.3 TeV, requires O(100) fb −1 at √ s = 14 TeV, providing a probe of the warped nature of the bulk that is encoded in the mass ratio of the first two KK modes, at design luminosity. By comparison, discovering a 3-TeV Z ′ of the Planck-weak hierarchy models (with M5 ∼ MP ), in any channel, would require upwards of O(300) fb −1 at √ s = 14 TeV. We also point out that discovery prospects markedly improve for Little KK gluons as well, but the challenging reconstruction of their tt decay products may not allow an appreciable advantage for early discovery, over the Little Z ′ case.Introduction: The Higgs condensate, H ≃ 250 GeV, sets the electroweak scale in the Standard Model (SM). Yet, the SM Higgs potential is unstable against quantum corrections from the cutoff scale, often assumed to be near the Planck scale M P ∼ 10 19 GeV. This gives rise to the hierarchy problem, which is the puzzling smallness of the ratio H /M P ∼ 10 −17 . The Randall-Sundrum (RS) model [1] was initially proposed to explain the hierarchy by gravitationally red-shifting the 5D fundamental scale M 5 ∼ M P down to the TeV-scale, along a warped 5 th dimension. This geometry is based on a slice of AdS 5 , truncated by flat 4D boundaries often referred to as the UV (Planck) and IR (TeV) branes. The RS metric is given by [1]