A cross-cycle in a flag simplicial complex K is an induced subcomplex that is isomorphic to the boundary of a cross-polytope and that contains a maximal face of K. A cross-cycle is the most efficient way to define a non-zero class in the homology of K. For an independence complex of a graph G, a cross-cycle is equivalent to an induced matching containing a maximal independent set of G.We study the complexity of finding cross-cycles in independence complexes. We show that in general this problem is NP-complete when input is a graph whose independence complex we consider. This allows us to study special cases. Unfortunately, not a lot has been done in this direction besides the recent polynomial time algorithm for forests [16].In this contribution, we focus on the more general class of chordal graphs. This is a natural choice for the problem as the independence complexes of chordal graphs are quite well understood, namely they are wedges of spheres up to homotopy, and any wedge of spheres can be realized as the independence complex of a chordal graph, up to homotopy.As our main result, we present a polynomial time algorithm for detecting a cross-cycle in the independence complex of a chordal graph. Our algorithm is based on the geometric intersection representation of chordal graphs and has an efficient implementation.We further prove that for chordal graphs cross-cycles detect all of homology of the independence complex. As a corollary, we obtain polynomial time algorithms for such topological properties as contractibility or simple-connectedness of independence complexes of chordal graphs. These problems are undecidable for general independence complexes.We conclude with a discussion of some related cases and open problems.