If P (z) = anz n + n j=µ a n−j z n−j , 1 µ n, is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros in |z| k, k 1, then it was recently claimed by K. K. Dewan, Naresh Singh, Abdullah Mir [Extensions of some polynomial inequalities to the polar derivative, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 352 (2009), 807-815] that for every real or complex number α, with |α| k µ ,where m = min |z|=k |P (z)|, DαP (z) is a polar derivative of P (z) with respect to the point α ∈ C and Aµ is given by (1.11). The proof of this result is not correct. In this paper, we present certain more refined results which not only provides a correct proof of above inequality as a special case but also yields a refinement of above and other related result.