Nanomaterials have been widely used in a number of sectors during the past few decades, including electronics, pharmaceuticals , cosmetics, food processing, construction, and aeronautics. These nanomaterials may improve approaches for therapy, diagnosis, and prevention in the medical field. Graphene oxide (GO), an oxidised derivative of graphene, is now used in biotechnology and medicine for the treatment of cancer, drug delivery, and cellular imaging. Large surface area, electrical charge, and nanoscale size are other physicochemical properties of GO. The factors that are crucial for QSAR and QSPR analyses are topological indices. Shannon’s entropy measures, which characterise graphs by looking at the structure information of graphs and networks, are the primary type of topological indices now in use.Graph theory, biology, and chemistry are just a few of the disciplines that employ the graph entropy measurements. Two examples of thermodynamic entropy utilised in the molecular dynamics research of complicated chemical systems are the configuration entropy of glass-forming liquids or the thermodynamic entropy of enzyme-substrate complexations. In this paper, several degree-based entropies calculated using topological indices. The required outcomes were obtained by combining curve fitting between determined information entropies and topological indices with numerical and graphical representations of computed findings. Learn about the entropy-based symmetry analysis of the topological indices. The system is based on topological indices, which offer a thorough overview of all potentially important factors that may be important in structurally changing (C140H42O20) for certain applications.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C09, 05C92, 05C07, 92E10