Original scientific paper In this paper, the necessity of the protective relay of the micro-grid is described as the anti-islanding protection and Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT), and the fault characteristics of the renewable energy sources are analysed. The applicability of over-current protection, distance protection, differential protection, pilot protection, voltage protection and frequency protection is also analysed. Three novel solutions of protection have been proposed and discussed in this paper. After the stability of MG with external faults and internal faults is analysed, the protection configuration principle of micro-grid is proposed.
Keywords: Micro-grid; protection relay; fault characteristic; PCC; Wide-area protection relay
Istraživanje sustava zaštite releja mikro-rešetkeIzvorni znanstveni članak U radu se potreba zaštitnog releja mikro-rešetke (MG) opisuje kao anti-islanding zaštita i Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) te se analiziraju karakteristike greške obnovljivih izvora energije. Također se analizira primjenljivost zaštite od preopterećenja, zaštite udaljenosti, zaštite diferencijala, zaštite pilot uređaja, zaštite napona i zaštite frekvencije. Predlažu se i razmatraju tri nova rješenja zaštite. Nakon što se uspostavila stabilnost MG poslije analize vanjskih i unutarnjih grešaka, predložen je princip konfiguracije zaštite mikro-rešetke.