Objective: A major risk associated with carotid artery stenting (CAS) is embolic event caused by disturbance of plaque in the aortic arch. To avoid it, we developed a novel and simple technique of transbrachial carotid angioplasty and stenting for right carotid stenosis patients without crossing the aortic arch.
Case Presentations:The patient with complex aortic plaque (CAP) was selected. A 6F guiding sheath was inserted via the right brachial artery. A steam-shaped 6F JB2 diagnostic catheter with an acute "J"-shaped distal tip was used as the inner catheter. The JB2 catheter was advanced into the innominate artery. Under roadmap guidance, JB2 was pulled and cannulated in a common carotid artery (CCA), and a 0.035-inch guide wire was advanced to the distal CCA without insertion into the external carotid artery. JB2 and guiding sheath were advanced to the distal CCA. After JB2 removal, the usual carotid intervention was performed. We applied this method to six patients. For all patients, technical success was achieved. No patient experienced a symptomatic stroke or cholesterol embolism after the procedure.
Conclusion:Our novel and simple technique was safe and successful. This technique might prevent embolic stroke and dislodgement of cholesterol from atherosclerotic aortic arch plaques during neurointervention.