Cervical clear cell carcinoma (CCC) is an HPV-independent tumor historically associated with in-utero exposure to diethylstilboestrol. With the cessation of diethylstilboestro use, most contemporary cases are sporadic and of uncertain pathogenesis, with no established precursor lesion. Following the detection of 3 incidental "early" (FIGO stage IA1) cervical CCCs, all of which displayed adjacent tuboendometrial metaplasia, we examined further cases, including resection specimens, of this tumor in an attempt to delineate potential precursors. We identified tubo-endometrial metaplasia in proximity to the tumor in 5 of 5 additional primary cervical CCCs, with some tubo-endometrial glands exhibiting subtle mild cytologic atypia. This observation adds to the sparse existing literature proposing tubo-endometrial metaplasia as a precursor to sporadic cervical CCC, with possible progression via an "atypical" transitional phase to malignancy. We also review the published literature regarding possible precursor lesions of primary cervical CCC.