Background: Cervical lymphadenopathy, commonly encountered lesion may be due to both non neoplastic and neoplastic pathology. FNAC forms the first line of investigation for cervical lymphadenopathy as it is easy, simple and OPD based procedure. Aims & Objectives: To study the role of FNAC in cervical lymphadenopathy and frequency of various causes of cervical lymphadenopathy irrespective of age and sex. Materials & Methods: This study is conducted over a period of 1 year retrospectively in HIMS, Hassan. Results: A total of 255 cases were studied. Males were commonly affected than females in the ratio of 1.3:1. Most common age group involved was 20-29 yrs. Most common change noticed was reactive lymphadenitis (28.2%) followed by metastasis(25.8%). Conclusion: Present study confirmed that FNAC is a diagnostic tool for identifying the cause for cervical lymphadenopathy.