Cervical and lumbar roots may be irritated or compressed due to the pathological conditions such as disc herniations, degenerative foraminal stenosis, trauma and tumors. Electrophysiologic tests are frequently used in conjunction with imaging modalities for evaluation of low back and neck pain radiating to extremities, primarily for the purpose of establishing the presence or absence of a radiculopathy. In this study, we aimed to evalulate the relationship between clinic and electroneuromyographic (ENMG) findings in patients with suspected radiculopathies. Forty one patients with radicular complaints in the upper extremities and 51 patients with radicular complaints in the lower extremities were included in this study. McNemar test and Kappa coefficients between the two methods were applied to each group of patients, in order to test the significance of the difference between the two diagnostic procedures' ability on finding out the pathology. The McNemar test identified a significant difference between the two diagnostic approaches both for cervical and lumbar radiculopathies (p<0.001). The Kappa coefficients between the two methods were determined as 0.08 and 0.07, respectively. This means, efficacy of anamnesis and neurological examination for the prediction of electrodiagnostic tests was found to be limited. Normal neurological examination results in a patient with suspected radiculopathy can not eliminate abnormal electrodiagnostic test results; likewise, abnormal findings in the neurological examination would not mean finding pathologies in the electrodiagnostic tests. For more accurate approach to a patient, neurological examination and electrodiagnostic tests must be used and interpreted together.