Hanging deaths from investigation standpoint are rarely problematic. Unusual circumstances can on occasion raise suspicion of foul play. Associated neck injuries are reported in the literature with variable frequency (from 0% to 76.8%). This study retrospectively analyzed 755 hanging deaths in Ontario (Canada) to evaluate the demographic features and circumstances of hanging fatalities, and the frequency of hanging-related neck injuries. A number of cases showed unusual/special circumstances (e.g., complex, double suicides, restraints). Among 632 cases with complete autopsies, hyoid and larynx fractures were present in 46 cases (7.3%) with the most common being isolated hyoid fractures. The incidence of cricoid fractures was 0.5% and cervical spine injuries, 1.1%. A higher incidence of neck injuries occurred among males, long drop hangings, and in cases with complete suspension. There was a tendency for the number of fractures to increase with increasing age and weight of the deceased.