Local inflammatory diseases caused by various infections are one of the most common pathologies in medical practice. For example, tonsillopharyngitis. This disease is extremely frequent for a physician’s practice. There is a fair amount of drugs, which supposed to be helpful against tonsillopharyngitis, but different drugs are also not the same in their pharmacological effects. In gynecological practice, frequent diseases are specific and non-specific vulvovaginitis, which have inflammatory and infectious components. For administrating local pharmacotherapy in gynecology against inflammation, a large number of drugs with different mechanisms of action are proposed. In this study, we focused on key pathological mechanisms associated with acute and chronic inflammation, for which these drugs should be exposed by their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. The best combination of these properties is available for benzydamine hydrochloride. Benzydamine hydrochloride has a wide antimicrobic activity against bacteria and Candida spices both albicans and non-albicans strains and allows to influence on etiologic cause of the disease. Also benzydamine hydrochloride associated with «cytokine» mechanism of anti-inflammatory action, which means that he does not affect COX enzymes and it allows to avoid gastrotoxic adverse events. Also, in this work showed and discussed aspects of the interaction of benzydamine with local immune system and justification of useful usage the benzydamine for local therapy of acute and chronic inflammatory processes caused by various infections.