Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy (CSEP) is on the rise with increasing rate of cesarean section and better diagnostic modalities. Therefore, prompt and correct diagnosis and decision about treatment modality are important to reduce mortality and morbidity. Expertise of both gynecologist and radiologist is needed. High index of suspicion should be kept in mind, and any delay in management can lead to detrimental consequences. Here is a case series of three cases with CSEP and their conservative line of management. Diagnosis was made through history,clinical examination, serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) levels, ultrasound and hysteroscopy, and confirmed with histopathology also. Methotrexate was the primary treating modality in all the three cases, and the future fertility was preserved. The follow-up was by serum β-hCG and ultrasound scans.