Abstract. For | X | < 1, A* is the operator defined formally on the Hardy space H2 by (Aif)(z) = -(\-z)-'fj(s)ds, \z\<\.If X = 1, then the usual identification of H2 with I2 takes /I, onto the discrete Cesàro operator. Here we answer questions about boundedness, spectra, unitary equivalence, compactness, and subnormality for the operators Ax.The Cesàro operator C0 acting on the Hilbert space I2 of square-summable complex sequences {ö"}*=0 is defined by C0{an} -{bn} where bn = 1"=0 aJ(n + 1), n = 0,1,2,_This operator was studied extensively in [1] where it was shown, among other things, that C0 is bounded with ||C0|| = 2 and spectrum {z: | 1 -z\< 1}. In [4] it was proved that C0 is a subnormal operator.For 0 <| A |< 1 we define the operator Ax on I2 by Ax{an} = {cn} where c" = 2nJ=0\n-Jaj/(n + 1), n = 0,1,2,...; also define A0 by A0{a"} = {a"/(n + 1)}. Observe that Ax -C0. We identify I2 isometrically with the Hardy space H2by sending {anX?=o onto/(z) = 2^=o u"z". Ax then becomes an operator on H2. A\ can be expressed in closed form as follows. If f(z) = 2^=Qanz", then (Atf)(z) = lf=0 ckzk where ck = ^=k a"X"~k/(n + I). Consider j{ f(s) ds where the path of integration is sufficiently nice. If X -1 and the path consists of two segments, one connecting 1 to 0 and the other connecting 0 to z, we have jx f(s)ds = f¿f(s)ds -/n1 f(s)ds; the last integral exists by the Fejér-Riesz inequality [2, p. 46]. Integrating the Taylor series for/ term-by-term we have f{ f(s) ds = 2?=0a"z"+1/(H + 1) -2?=0a"An+1/(H + 1). Comparing these Taylor coefficients with the Taylor coefficients of (X -z)(A\f) (z) we see that (X-z)(A*J)(z) = -T f(s)ds, \z\