A Lagrangian solver to realistically model large, non-spherical dirt particles and their behaviour in the vicinity of deformable filtration fibres has been programmed. While this paper focuses on basic solver concepts as well as drag force implementations, a related article, concerning the realisation of interaction effects and result verification, is forthcoming, [3].Within the framework of a digitally reconstructed, deformable filter fibre geometry, the solver traces the governing multi physics effects down to the occurrence of single force-and torque vectors. In order to go from an initial, spherical particle model [2], to a more sophisticated, non-spherical model, the capabilities of a Six Degrees of Freedom Solver have been included in the programming. A panel model and the concept of satellite help points are used to handle particles that encompass several fluid calculation cells.An innovative drag force implementation allows the consideration of rotational-and shear flow effects on particle motion. Results are evaluated and compared to an analytical formulation.