C om putational Fluid D ynam ics S im u latio n s and Experim ents for R eduction of Oil Churning Loss and W in d a g e Loss in A ero en g in e Tran sm issio n G earsThe demand for power generation capacity has increased considerably due to the electric drive o f cabin air conditioners and commercial aircraft engines. It is estimated that power losses may increase in the accessory gearbox due to generators and pumps that augment fuel consumption. To reduce these losses, a computational fluid dynamics simu lation technique that analyzes oil churning and windage losses was developed and improvements were made to the shrouds of bevel gears, which have large losses in the gearbox. It was revealed experimentally that shrouding reduced losses up to 36% as com pared to unshrouded gears.
Pll = Taa> = Frpco = '^2^-{vp -v i)-vp(1) i where P is the power loss loaded on a gear, T is the torque, F is the force, r is the radius, to is the angular rotational speed, m is the mass, t is time, and v is the speed. The subscript a is the oil