The search for renewable energy sources is presented as one of the pillars for actions aiming the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) net emissions. Among the renewable energy sources, hydropower is presented as fundamental because it provides greater security in the amount of energy when compared to other forms of energy, such as wind and solar. However, it is necessary to do mention that all forms of above mentioned energy are subject to the inherent uncertainties to predictability of power generation based on historical data and by the fact that their forecasts are based on statistical models. On the other hand, there is growing demand for energy in order to support industrial growth, society development, and both must be carried out in a sustainable manner, with social and environmental constraints. In this search for a common point that makes feasible the growth based on sustainable development, and taking into account the limitations imposed by nature itself, the American Journal of Hydropower, Water and Environmental Systems (AJHWE) aims to present papers that can effectively contribute to the development of new technologies. Among the emerging technologies of scientific studies, the hydrokinetic turbines that take advantage from the velocity of a discharge for power generation, or the low-or very low-head turbines, which generate energy much more from the watercourse discharge contribution than by the net available head can be mentioned. All these researches have the potential to support new policies to make the new technologies development feasible under technical, social and economic point of view and to subsidize to renewable energy sources aiming a search of a better future.