ABSTRACT:Order-disorder transitions (ODT) of symmetric poly(styrene-b-2-vinylpyridine) in a common good solvent and bulk were determined by dynamic rheological and small-angle neutron scattering measurements. ODT conditions determined by both methods are consistent with each other and the degree of polymerization dependence of critical volume fraction in solution at almost constant temperature agrees with the theoretical prediction for semidilute solutions. However, semidilute behavior persists to a much higher concentration than for ordinary polymer solutions and the crossover from semidilute to concentrated regimes is not clear.
KEY WORDSOrder-Disorder Transition / Symmetric Diblock Copolymers / Poly(styrene-b-2-vinylpyridine) / Small-Angle Neutron Scattering/ Semidilute Region/ Block copolymers exhibit a phase transition between ordered (microphase-separated) and disordered (homogeneous) states under certain conditions. The orderdisorder transitions (ODT) of block copolymers have been extensively studied and the results are summarized in the literature. 1 -8 A brief outline of the results is as follows.Theoretically, the phase diagram for diblock copolymers in bulk was first discussed by the mean-field approach,9 and later modified to include fluctuation effects. 10 According to the theory, the ODT of symmetric diblock copolymers occurs at (xN)ooT= 10.5 +41.0. N-113 ( 1) where x is the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, N is the number of statistical segments (monomers) per copolymer molecule and (2) is a term for fluctuation correction. Here (S 2 ), Mm p, and NA are the mean square radius of gyration, number-average molecular weight, mass density and Avogadro's number, respectively. It was also predicted that eq 1 and 2 can be applied to block copolymer solutions by appropriate replacement of the parameters. 11 • 12 Experimentally, most studies on ODT have been carried out for polystyrene-polydiene diblock copolymers such as poly(styrene-b-isoprene) (SI) and hydrocarbon diblock copolymers such as poly(ethylenepropylene-b-ethylethylene) in bulk. Several experimental methods to determine ODT have been examined. At present, small-angle X-ray scattering, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), birefringence measurement and dynamic rheological measurements (DRM) are generally used. 1 -s Recently, we studied the viscoelastic properties of SI diblock copolymer solutions near ODT and reported that t To whom correspondence should be addressed.
388the shear rate dependence of the first normal stress difference changes from first order to second order, after shear-induced alignment of the microdomain structure occurs. 13 Generally speaking, systematic studies on viscoelastic properties, especially those under steady shear flow are much easier in solution than in bulk. Difference in viscoelastic properties of block components may affect the shear-induced alignment. For better understanding of the viscoelastic properties and shearinduced alignment of diblock copolymers near ODT, it is essential to study them both ...