=Many applications involve the use of macromolecules at interfaces, including adhesion, lubrication, and the manufacture of surfaces resistant to wear. Modeling these systems requires an understanding of how the dominant conformational features of a macromolecule are modified by the presence of a boundary. In this work, we are interested in monitoring the shape changes that accompany the configurational rearrangements of a single polymer chain near a hard plane. We provide a detailed characterization of essential molecular shape features of compressed grafted chains. These chains are modeled by three-dimensional (off-lattice) walks with excluded-volume interaction, anchored to a flat surface by a terminal point. Compression is induced by confining the chains between two parallel walls. For these systems, we have studied how shape descriptors depend on polymer size and the separation between walls. We show that compression causes a number of nontrivial changes in shape (shape transitions). In particular, we show that the most compact chains found during compression are neither spheroidal nor maximally self-entangled. Maximal entanglements are found in chains that are already mostly "flattened" toward the surface. The present results provide new insights that can be useful in the design of interfaces with targeted properties. @ 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.oil recovery. The design of size-exclusion chromatographic phases, filters, and surfaces resistant to wear is also based on the properties of confined polymers. The properties of macromolecules at thin here is a considerable interest in modeling interphases are also central for understanding the the behavior of macromolecules at solidfunctions of biological membranes. Several models have been proposed for studyliquid interfaces [l-31. These systems find many applications, including surface wetting, crystal ing the effect of boundary conditions on chain growth, adhesion, film spreading, lubrication, and molecules. Two typical approaches are usually fol-