Changes in digital transformation have been increasingly accelerated. Consequently, educational institutions face a significant challenge in preparing individuals for the current and future job market. These institutions must support students in developing transversal skills that can meet the demands for work and social life. Thus, the objective of this study is to present a learning model that combines the challengebased learning methodology with the design thinking approach as a strategy to conduct a more humanized learning process and promote the development of transversal skills. This study was conducted with 23 students pursuing mechanical engineering. The learning model was wellrated by the students, and the development of transversal competencies were evaluated.
I. INTRODUCTIONAccording to (Mendonça, de Andrade, & Neto, 2018), digital transformation has been breaking paradigms in companies, business models, education, and society, owing to the considerable innovation in information and communication technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.According to (Borgatti Neto, 2007), we are experiencing a transition from a mechanistic paradigm to a different paradigm of complexity. According to (Snowden & Boone, 2007), complex contexts are disordered, no apparent cause-and-effect relationship exists, and the path forward is determined based on the integration of emerging patterns. In this scenario, a comprehensive understanding of the context is a condition for establishing changes in an environment of growing uncertainty. Thus, owing to the technological revolution, which imposes a significant cognitive challenge, the transformation of thinking from a mechanistic, linear, and fragmented pattern to a more complex, integrative, and collaborative pattern in a network is crucial.An important consideration by (Noweski et al., 2012) is that scientific, business, and social organizations lack skills and competencies for the 21 st century; however, the educational system is still focused on cognitive skills, despite recognizing the need to develop new values and social attitudes that can meet the demands of work and social life. This condition allows a student to move with greater security from their academic life to work life, both in relation to their first work and future experiences.Educational institutions need to maintain pace with the changes in the world, evolve quickly to be more relevant, and ensure that everyone learns competently. Consequently, it is necessary to rethink the curriculum, methodologies, role of the teacher, and connection with society and organizations, awaken students' autonomy, interest, and an empathetic and reflective look at the context, and stimulate the development of transversal and attitudinal skills through the connection of students with different learning experiences.