This study focused on how job satisfaction factors affects components of organizational commitment among the basic employees of star hotels in Eritrea. Besides, the impact of control variables on the relationship between job satisfaction factors and components of organizational commitment were assessed. Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) by Mayer and Allen were used to measure the respondents' job satisfaction and organizational commitment.Pearson Correlation analysis was done to identify the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The results indicates that there is significant relationship between pay satisfaction, satisfaction with promotion, satisfaction with nature of work and satisfaction with communication in the organization and employees' organizational commitment, in which each variables is significant at p=.000. Nevertheless, satisfaction with supervision and co-workers found to be insignificant to contribute to basic employees' commitment with p>0.05. With regard to the degree and direction of relationship, satisfaction with pay has strong and positive relationship, satisfaction with promotion, nature of work and communication possesses a moderate positive relationship with organizational commitment.To identify whether control variables have impact on the relationship b/n job satisfaction factors and components of organizational commitment, a hierarchical stepwise multiple regressions was examined. Though the correlation analysis illustrated that pay, promotion, nature of work and communication can contributes to the basic employees' affective, continuance and normative commitment, but with the presence of the control variables the result appeared differently. On the presence of control variables, pay, promotion, supervision and communication can contributes to the employees' affective commitment; pay and ISSN 2162-3058 2015 96 promotion can contributes to the employees' continuance commitment and only pay can contributes to the employees' normative commitment.
International Journal of Human Resource Studies