Despite the number of studies conducted on users’ satisfaction with library services, only a handful of reports was able to assess the level of users’ satisfaction with library electronic services. The review showed that previous studies measured the quality of services rendered by the federal university libraries with just a question or an extract from the ServQual instrument without proper application of the ServQual model. Identification of determinants of library users' satisfaction needs an in-depth investigation using different methods before librarians can work towards improving those identified factors for maximum utilization of library resources and services. This present study used the ServQual model for determining users' satisfaction with electronic resources and services provided in six federal university libraries. The instruments used for data collection were descriptive surveys, focus groups, observation, and interview designs. This study applied a multistage sampling technique to arrive at the 733 sample size that represented the registered postgraduate users for the selected federal university libraries from the six geo-political zones of Nigeria. Structural Equation Model and SPSS were used to analyze data collected from the respondents, it was found that the federal university libraries provided minimal (acceptable) electronic services with a beta coefficient of (β=0.66**) which showed a significant level of user satisfaction with electronic services. Determinants of users’ satisfaction were a conducive environment; good Internet connection; constant power supply; adequate computer systems; use of laptops either personal or loan; longer operating hours; remote access to eResources; adequate security measures, availability and accessibility of electronic resources, currency and adequacy of electronic resources. The study concluded that users were moderately satisfied with library services provision but libraries need to improve the quality of resources quality of services provided in the various universities. This paper recommended that, the library environment must be conducive to learning; good Internet connection is provided and sustained; have power backups; provide adequate computer systems; allow users to bring in their laptops to the library; increase their operation hours; provide remote access to e-resources; re-work the security systems and subscribe to numerous electronic resources to optimally satisfied users.