The article analyzes the conditions and factors aimed at effective medical and social assistance (hereinafter SMA) for people who, due to their illness, disability or old age should improve their quality of life. A model of a multidisciplinary palliative care team is presented, which should ensure the organization of such palliative care. The development of palliative care should provide for various organizational forms of its provision, depending on the needs of the population and the characteristics of the region, but they can be divided into two main groups, i.e. care in inpatient institutions and care at home. However, it should be borne in mind that the main goal of home care for palliative patients is not only in the purely medical plane, but even more so in the social plane. After all, patients, especially those with non-oncological nosology, need not only pain relief at home, but also comprehensive care, medical, psychological and spiritual support. The problem is very urgent, but unfortunately, there is no clear system and normative documents regarding this issue. The article analyzes the problems of organization and research as well as methodological support for the provision of medical and social assistance to the population. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities for provision of medical and social assistance to incurable patients. In connection with the urgency of the problem, as well as with the problem of its organization, this article provides an analysis of the principles of giving palliative care. To achieve the objectives of the study, a model of such assistance provision in other countries and its comparison with the existing model in Russia and, in particular, in the Republic of Dagestan is considered. As a result of the given data, an MPCT model and its step-by-step solution are proposed.