Paraganglioma can be found in different parts of the body. In this case report, a rare case of anterior mediastinal paraganlioma was examined. Pheochromocytoma can pose problems in intraoperative anesthesia management. A 17-year-old male patient with an anterior mediastinal mass was first scheduled for thoracoscopic tumor resection, and then proceeded with open thoracotomy. The patient, who was diagnosed with preoperative pheochromocytoma, had a history of dual antihypertensive drug use. The patient, who showed an intraoperative labile course, had episodes of hypertension (270/140 mmHg) and tachycardia (200 bpm). Esmolol and nitroglycerin infusion was applied and intervened. Diagnosis of paraganglioma-related pheochromocytoma can be challenging. Risks can be minimized by making appropriate decisions and interventions before and during the operation.