“…Much research (Amos, 2016; Haddix, 2012, 2016; Varghese et al, 2019; View & Frederick, 2011) has explored the ways that teacher education often assumes a White (and concomitantly standardized English-speaking and monolingual) teacher education student population—and therefore reinscribes Whiteness itself. For instance, research on preservice and in-service teachers of Color explores the ways that generic teaching practices typically ignore and marginalize the raciolinguicized subjectivities, experiences, and unique insights of teachers of Color (Haddix, 2012, 2016; Siddle Walker, 2008; Sleeter, 2001; Souto-Manning & Cheruvu, 2016; View & Frederick, 2011). Monzó and Rueda (2003) explored the ways that the funds of knowledge (Moll, Amanti, & Gonazalez, 1992) that preservice teachers of Color bring to teacher education are often ignored and marginalized even as those funds of knowledge powerfully shape teachers’ relationships, practices, and beliefs about education.…”