Abstract:We developed a novel protocol with superior quantitative analysis results for DNA metabarcoding of Collembola, a major soil microarthropod order. Degenerate PCR primers were designed for conserved regions in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) and 16S ribosomal RNA (mt16S) genes based on published collembolan mitogenomes. The best primer pair was selected based on its ability to amplify each gene, irrespective of the species. DNA was extracted from 10 natural communities sampled in a temperate forest (with typically 25-30 collembolan species per 10 soil samples) and 10 mock communities (with seven cultured collembolan species). The two gene regions were then amplified using the selected primers, ligated with adapters for 454 technology, and sequenced. Examination of the natural community samples showed that 32 and 36 operational taxonomic units (defined at a 90% sequence similarity threshold) were recovered from the mtCOI and mt16S data, respectively, which were comparable to the results of the microscopic identification of 25 morphospecies. Further, sequence abundances for each collembolan species from the mtCOI and mt16S data of the mock communities, after normalization by using a species as the internal control, showed good correlation with the number of individuals in the samples (R = 0.91-0.99), although relative species abundances within a mock community sample estimated from sequences were skewed from community composition in terms of the number of individuals or biomass of the species. Thus, this protocol enables the comparison of collembolan communities in a quantitative manner by metabarcoding.Key words: metabarcoding, Collembola, 16S, COX1, quantification.
Résumé :Les auteurs ont mis au point un protocole pour le métacodage à barres de l'ADN chez les collemboles, un ordre important parmi les micro-arthropodes du sol. Des amorces PCR dégénérées ont été conçues pour les gènes codant pour la sous-unité I de la cytochrome c oxydase mitochondriale (mtCOI) et pour l'ARN ribosomique 16S mitochondrial (mt16S) sur la base des génomes mitochondriaux déjà séquencés chez les collemboles. La meilleure paire d'amorces a été choisie sur la base de sa capacité à amplifier chaque gène, sans égard à l'espèce.