one of the most important distinguish evaluation of plant species features of environmentally sustainable universities that are concerned with improving the life quality. The study was aimed to apply geospatial techniques in the evaluation of plant diversity at the level of species, genus and plant families in Baghdad and Al-Nahrain Universities. And the application of remote sensing technolog and geographic information systems ArcGIS v 10.3 tudy area capturedRepresented by the satellite image of the s on 28/1/2020 by the Sentinel-2B which is based on multi-spectral Image (MSI) with a spatial resolution of 10x10m2. It contains 13 spectral bands with the TIFF extension. From the results of the field survey of Al-Nahrain University, it was found that the total number of plants reached 577 plants, which included 25 plant species, 22 plant genus, and 19 plant families, compared to the total number of plants in the University of Baghdad, which was 3717 plants that belong to 70 plant species, 63 genus, and 35 plant families. The results of the vegetation cover index showed that the vegetation cover values ranged from -2 to 0.7, distributed between high density vegetation cover between 0.5 to 0.7, dense 0.3 to 0.5, low density 0 to 0.3, and poor vegetation cover 0.1. to zero. As for the water channel around the academic domain, buildings and roads, their values ranged from zero to -2, respectively. The results of the Normalized Difference Built-up Index ranged between 0 and -0.6, noting that the standard range of the index includes values below zero. Whenever the values go from -1 or less, they refer to building covers, roads, bridges, sidewalks, walkways, parking lots and other urban facilities and concrete blocks..