In current software systems with highly volatile requirements, traceability plays a key role to maintain the consistency between requirements and code. Traceability between artifacts involved in the development of Software Product Lines (SPL) is still more critical because it is necessary to guarantee that the selection of variants that realize the different SPL producís meet the requirements. Current SPL traceability mechanisms trace from variability in features to variations in the configuration of product-line architecture (PLA) in terms of adding and removing components. However, it is not always possible to materialize the variable features of a SPL through adding or removing components, since sometimes they are materialized inside components, i.e. in part of their functionality: a class, a service and/or an interface. Additionally, variations that happen inside components may crosscut several components of architecture. These kinds of variations are still challenging and their traceability is not currently well-supported. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee that those SPL producís with íhese kinds of variaíions meeí íhe requiremenís. This paper presenís a soluíion for íracing variabiliíy from feaíures ío PLA by íaking íhese kinds of variaíions inío accouní. This soluíion is based on models and íraceabiliíy beíween models in order ío auíomaíe SPL configuration by selecíing íhe varianís and realizing íhe producí applicaíion. The FPLA modeling framework supporís íhis soluíion which has been deployed in a software facíory. Validaíion has consisíed in puííing íhe soluíion inío pracíice ío develop a producí line of power meíering managemení applicaíions for Smarí Grids.