“…), SDANN (standard deviation of the values of cardio intervals, ms), RMSSD (square root of the sum of squares of the differences in the values of consecutive pairs of normal intervals, ms), pNN50 (the percentage of NN50 from the total number of consecutive pairs of intervals that differ by more than 50 milliseconds, obtained over the entire time recording, %) (Heart rate variability:.., 1996); according to cardiointervalometry -to define the heart rate (HR, min -1 ), durations and intervals of PQRST-complex -P (s), PQ (s), QRS (s), QT (s), QTC (s), ST (n.u. ); indicators of systemic hemodynamics (Kim et al, 2005;Romanchuk & Pisaruk, 2013) -end-diastolic volume (EDV, cm 3 ), end-systolic volume (ESV, cm 3 ), stroke volume (SV, cm 3 ), cardiac output (CO, dm 3 ), stroke index (SI, cm 3 /m 2 ), cardiac index (CI, dm 3 / m 2 ), general peripheral vascular resistance (GPVR, dyn/s/cm −5 ); according to the pulse wave recording with the help of a photoplethysmographic sensor on the finger by the Penaz method (Penáz, 1992), blood pressure (SBP, mmHg; DBP, mmHg) and its variability (SBPV and DBPV) in ranges similarly to HRV were determined a total power of SBPV and DBPV (ТР SBP , mmHg 2 and ТР DBP , mmHg 2 ), power in the very low-frequency range (VLF SBP , mmHg 2 and VLF DBP , mmHg 2 ), power in the low-frequency range (LF SBP , mmHg 2 and LF DBP , mmHg 2 ) and power in the high-frequency range (HF SBP , mmHg 2 and HF DBP , mmHg 2 ) and their derivatives -LF SBP n, n.u., HF SBP n, n.u., LF/HF SBP , LF DBP n, n.u., HF DBP n, n.u., LF/ HF DBP (Pinna, 1996;Wesseling et al, 2017;Papaioannou, et al, 2020). Additionally by using the spectral method we determined the index of arterial baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, ms/mmHg)α-coefficient, that was calculated in high (BRS HF ) and low (BRS LF ) frequencies ranges (Karemaker et Fizicna Reabilitacia ta Rekreacijno-Ozdorovci Tehnologii al., 2021;Papaioannou, et al, 2020).…”