Objective Underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) has caught much attention due to its wide frequency band, high information capacity, and fast data transmission rate. However, ocean turbulence causes light intensity scintillation during beam propagation, which increases the difficulty of optical signal resolution in UWOC systems. During establishing underwater optical communication links, Hermite -Gaussian (HG) beams can help to improve system performance by reducing scintillation. Most of the performance studies on current HG UWOC systems employ stable stratification turbulent power spectra, whose computational accuracy cannot match unstable stratification cases.Additionally, current research on UWOC is at the level where the system pointing error must be considered, but this aspect is not addressed in the study of the HG UWOC. According to the literature findings, the study of average bit error rate (BER), average channel capacity, and outage probability of UWOC systems based on unstable stratified ocean 研究论文 第 44 卷 第 6 期/2024 年 3 月/光学学报 turbulence and HG beam pointing error is not reported. Therefore, we investigate the performance of the HG beam wireless optical communication system under unstable stratified ocean turbulence.Methods We derive the theoretical formulae for the HG optical scintillation index under unstable stratified ocean turbulence and the probability distribution function of the channel coefficients of UWOC systems considering the combined effects of ocean turbulence and pointing error. Meanwhile, theoretical formulae for the main performance parameters of the system are derived, including BER, channel capacity, and outage probability. Additionally, we derive the closedform expressions for these three performance parameters using the Gaussian -Hermite orthogonal integral approximation method, thus conducting an indepth analysis of the system performance. To more comprehensively evaluate the system performance in different conditions, we perform simulations to analyze the effects of beam modulus, transmission distance, ocean turbulence, and pointing error on the average BER, average channel capacity, and outage probability of the system under unstable stratification and stable stratification turbulence.
Results and DiscussionsWe investigate the performance of HG beam wireless optical communication system under unstable stratified ocean turbulence. The results show that the system BER can be reduced by decreasing the beam width, the HG beam width is reduced from 0.05 m to 0.01 m at an SNR of 30 dB, and the average BER is reduced from 6.18×10 -7 to 2.0×10 -8 . The increase in transmission distance results in the rising system BER. Additionally, we compare the differences in the effects of system performance on unstable stratification and stable stratification turbulence. It is found that the average BER for the stable stratification case in temperatureinduced ocean turbulence is much lower than the average BER for the unstable stratification case. Since the eddy thermal diffusivity of ...