First of all, I would like to compliment the authors for writing this very fine survey paper on some recent developments in change-point analysis. There is a lot of current research activity devoted to change-point analysis, and many articles have appeared since the publication of the seminal book by Csörgő and Horváth (1997). Among the topics covered in the present paper are empirical process techniques, Darling-Erdős laws, changes in correlations, changes in regression parameters, sequential testing, panel models, and functional data. Horváth and Rice provide an excellent survey of some of the recent results, which will be helpful to all researchers in this area.In my discussion, I will complement the paper by Horváth and Rice by presenting some recent results on U-statistics-based robust change-point tests for time series. In a series of papers, see Dehling and Fried (2012), Dehling et al. (2013aDehling et al. ( , 2013bDehling et al. ( , 2013c and Betken (2014), we have investigated such tests and derived their asymptotic distribution, both in the case of short-range as well as long-range dependent time series.We consider a model where the data are generated by X i = μ i + i , where μ i is an unknown signal and i is a stationary ergodic noise process with E( i ) = 0. Given the observations X 1 , . . . , X n , we wish to test the hypothesis of no change, i.e. H : μ 1 = · · · = μ n , against the alternative A : μ 1 = · · · = μ k = μ k+1 = · · · = μ n , for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1.This comment refers to the invited paper available at