Igor Braz received his medical degree from the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. He is currently undertaking a PhD in human cerebrovascular control, at the University of Birmingham, UK, under the guidance of Dr James Fisher and Prof. Gregory Lip. In the future, he hopes to combine his passions of clinical practice and physiological research. James Fisher is currently a Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK. He works in the field of human cardiovascular control and his research seeks to better understand (1) the mechanisms underpinning the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular responses to exercise, and (2) the neural regulation of the heart and blood vessels in health and disease.This review was presented at the symposium "Ageing, physical activity and neurodegeneration", which took place at Ageing and Degeneration: A Physiological Perspective in Edinburgh, UK, 10-11 April 2015. Abstract Age is one of the most important risk factors for dementia and stroke. Examination of the cerebral circulatory responses to acute exercise in the elderly may help to pinpoint the mechanisms by which exercise training can reduce the risk of brain diseases, inform the optimization of exercise training programmes and assist with the identification of age-related alterations in cerebral vascular function. During low-to-moderate intensity dynamic exercise, enhanced neuronal activity is accompanied by cerebral perfusion increases of ß10-30%. Beyond ß60-70% maximal oxygen uptake, cerebral metabolism remains elevated but perfusion in the anterior portion of the circulation returns towards baseline, substantively because of a hyperventilation-mediated reduction in the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (P aCO 2 ) and cerebral vasoconstriction. Cerebral perfusion is lower in older individuals, both at rest and during incremental dynamic exercise. Nevertheless, the increase in the estimated cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen and the arterial-internal jugular venous differences for glucose and lactate are similar in young and older individuals exercising at the same relative exercise intensities. Correction for the age-related reduction in P aCO 2 during exercise by the provision of supplementary CO 2 is suggested to remove ß50% of the difference in cerebral perfusion between young and older individuals. A multitude of candidates could account for the remaining difference, including cerebral atrophy, and enhanced vasoconstrictor and blunted vasodilatory pathways. In summary, age-related reductions in cerebral perfusion during exercise are partly associated with a lower P aCO 2 in exercising older individuals; nevertheless the cerebral extraction of glucose, lactate and oxygen appear to be preserved. Abstract figure legend Putative mechanisms explaining the impact of age on the cerebral blood flow (CBF) responses to exercise. CO 2 , carbon dioxide; CMRO 2 , cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen; %VO 2 max, maxima...