Proline content increased greatly in detached rice (Oryza sativa cv.Taichung Native 1) leaves during senescence. There was a slight but significant increase in proline level after one day of incubation, and, subsequently, proline accumulated relatively rapidly. By 4 days after excision, the level of proUne had increased 30-to 50-fold, which is similar to the level seen in the water-stressed detached rice leaves. It is unlikely that the proline accumulation in detached leaves is to be derived solely from protein hydrolysis, since the addition of L-glutamic acid increased the proline level during senescence. The proline analog, 3,4-dehydroproline, did not affect the level of proline during senescence. It seems that accumulation of proline may, at least in part, result from an increased rate of synthesis, possibly due to a disruption of the normal feedback inhibition of proline synthesis. Potassium cyanide and 2,4-dinitrophenol strongly inhibited proUne accumulation, indicating that some energy compound(s) may participate in proline accumulation during senescence of excised rice leaves.It is well established that proline accumulates rapidly in excised and intact leaves under water stress (3,7,11,12,17). However, relatively little attention has been paid to proline accumulation in senescing excised leaves. ABA is known to increase rapidly in excised leaves under water stress (2, 7). Proline accumulation can be induced by ABA in both excised leaves and intact plants (1,13). It has been found that ABA accumulation precedes a detectable change in proline level (2). Therefore, proline accumulation in response to water stress may be a response to accumulated ABA. Inasmuch as ABA has also been reported to increase during senescence (5, 6), proline may also be accumulated during senescence of excised leaves. The present communication describes the accumulation of proline during senescence of excised rice leaves.
MATERIALS AND METHODSRice (Oryza sativa cv. Taichung Native 1) seedlings were cultured as previously described (8). The apical 3 cm of the third leaves of 9-d-old seedlings was used for experiments. A group of 10 segments was floated on 10 ml of test solution in a 50-ml flask.Incubation was carried out in darkness at 27°C for the indicated period. Each treatment contained four replications.Chlorophyll and a-amino nitrogen were extracted and determined as described before (8). Chlorophyll and a-amino nitrogen were expressed as A665 and A570 per ten segments, respectively. ' Supported by research grant to C. H. Kao from the National Science Council of the Republic of China.2 To whom reprint requests should be addressed.Proline was extracted and its concentration determined following the method of Bates et al. (4). Leaf segments were homogenized with 3% sulfosalicylic acid and centrifuged. The supernatant was treated with acetic acid and acid-ninhydrin, boiled for 1 h and extracted with toluene. Then, its A at 520 nm was read. Proline content was expressed as,umol/10 segments.